With more than three decades of active presence in the field of automation, telecommunication and industrial SCADA, along with the effective production of many knowledge-based software and hardware products, by reorganizing and implementing development programs, providing effective services and It has produced quality products in the field of domestic and international industries, and in line with its orientation policy, it has put the following main goals at the forefront of actions:
– Paying serious attention to expert and knowledge-oriented human resources as the main assets of the company and improving the knowledge and skills of employees based on the evaluation and rating system
-Continuous monitoring of the service sector and identification of process weaknesses and inadequacies and obtaining feedback from employers
– Identifying and complying with applicable national and international laws and regulations and contractual requirements in the field of occupational health and safety and environment
-Creating a safe and healthy environment to maintain the vitality of colleagues
And in this regard, Modje Niroo Company has been planned and established as an integrated management system (quality, environmental and occupational health and safety management) based on international standards.
Modje Niroo Company commits itself to provide professional and satisfactory services to its respected employers and customers, and I also support the continuous improvement of the company’s performance while establishing strict control and supervision to move towards the above goals.